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Quick Facts

  • Crescent Petroleum acquired in 1989 a controlling interest in BRCL, which is a holder of significant oil and gas production and exploration acreage in Canada.
  • In 1990s, Crescent Petroleum sold its interest in BRCL.

Crescent Petroleum also held the controlling interest in Buttes Resources Canada Limited (BRCL) which it acquired in 1989. BRCL was the holder of significant gas and oil production and reserves in the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan, as well as large exploration acreage in the provinces of British Columbia and the Northwest Territories, Canada.

The main crude oil producing property of BRCL was Tangleflags in the heavy oil area of Saskatchewan. The principal natural gas producing fields of BRCL were the Hatton Field in south western Saskatchewan and the Cold Lake and Coulee Fields in Alberta.

The main purchaser of the Company’s oil and gas production was Saskatchewan Power Corporation, a Canadian public utility. The Company had 10 net oil wells and 133 net gas wells which produced from 38,380 net developed acres. The undeveloped acreage totaled 99,851 net acres.

At Hatton Field additional drilling on undeveloped acreage was undertaken in 1990, at the end of which 53 gas wells were tied in and 8.0 MMscfd of additional compression capacity installed. Production was from the Milk River and Medicine Hat marine sands of Upper Cretaceous age.

In early 1990s, the Company sold its interest in BRCL.

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Unlocking the potential of energy resources